I Never Saw Another Butterfly

“I Never Saw Another Butterfly” by Celeste Raspanti  is Limelights first production for 2023, to be performed in April at the Events Centre.

It is the story of the Jewish children of Terezin.  From 1942 – 1945 over 15,000 children passed through Terezin, a former military garrison set up as a ghetto, on their way to the gas chambers of Auschwitz. When Terezin was liberated in May 1945 only about 100 children were alive to return to their homes and families.  One child, Raja Englanderova returned to Prague. 

“I Never Saw Another Butterfly”, is an imaginative creation of her story drawn from poems, diaries, letters, journals, drawings and pictures by the Jewish children who lived in the concentration camp Teresienstadt. Although it is a story of tragedy it is also a story of the importance of art, music, education and culture in people’s lives. It is also a story of hope and inspiration as children helped one another to live until their lives were cut short.

The main cast is:-4 Men, 7Women, (4  Children with speaking rolls),  plus 12 to 16 additional children as the youth of Terezin ages 8 – 15/16.

Englanderover Family cast

Raja Age 14 -16

Mother Age 40-60

Father Age 40- 60

Pavel (Brother) Age 20-25

Vera (Aunt) Age 30-50

Irca (Pavels fiancée) Age 20-25

Erika (Neighbour) Any Age

Rabbi Age 40 plus

Terezin cast

Irena Synkov(Teacher) Age 20 plus

Renka (Teachers Assistant) Age 18 plus

Honza ( Friend of Raja) Age 14-16

Child I Age 8-16

Child II Age 8-16.

Child III Age 8-16

child IV Age 8-16


12-16  children as the Youth of Terezin Ages8-16 Although these are non speaking rolls some singing is envisaged.

Expressions of interest should be made to me Margaret Jesson 0275999609 or via email limelighttheatreco@gmail.com

I would love to hear from you as this really is a beautiful play.